In 2019, Mnet created a reality show name To Be World Klass that formed a South Korean boy band known as TO1. It was on the 1st of April 2020 when the band made its first-ever debut. Although this band is new in the music industry, ever since its debut, it has managed to attract an audience on a global scale. TO1 Kpop debuted with its mini album, ‘Reason for Being: Benevolence’, with ‘Magnolia’ as its title track. The band consists of 9 members in total.
TO1 Members Age, Birthday, Height, Weight & Zodiac sign
TO1 Members Name |
TO1 Members Birthday |
TO1 Members Age |
TO1 Members Height |
TO1 Members Weight |
TO1 Members Zodiac Sign |
Donggeon |
15th July 1999 | 24 | 180 CM (5’11”) | 69 KG | Cancer |
Chan |
8th December 1999 | 24 | 180 CM (5’11”) | 65 KG | Sagittarius |
Jisu |
19th January 2000 | 23 | 178 CM (5’10”) | 64 KG | Capricorn |
Jaeyun |
16th August 2000 | 23 | 175 CM (5’9”) | 63 KG | Leo |
2nd November 2000 | 23 | 174 CM (5’9”) | 60 KG | Scorpio |
Kyungho |
7th May 2001 | 22 | 183 CM (6”) | 70 KG | Taurus |
Daigo |
21st January 2002 | 21 | 173 CM (5’8”) | 57 KG | Aquarius |
Renta |
16th February 2003 | 20 | 180 CM (5’11”) | 63 KG | Aquarius |
Yeojeong |
29th January 2005 | 18 | 182 CM (5’12”) | 63 KG | Aquarius |
TO1 Members Kpop Profile
Detailed information about the TO1 members has been mentioned below:-
Daigo’s birth name is said to be Kobayashi Daigo and in the band, he shoulders the responsibility of a dancer as well as that of a vocalist. Apart from this, his blood type is B and he was born Aquarius. Daigo was born in 2002 on the 21st of January he is 57 kg and his height is somewhere around 173 cm. Mainly, Daigo was born in Japan’s Tokyo.
The birth name of this bandmate is Le Jae Yun and in the group, he plays the role of the main vocalist as well as the leader. He was born in 2000 on the 16th of August. Jaehyun’s zodiac sign is Leo and B is his blood type. In the case of his physical standards, he is 175 cm tall and his weight is somewhere around 63 kg. Jaeyun was also a part of a band along with TXT’s Beomgyu.
Renta is yet one of the members of TO1 whose full name is Nishijima Renta and he is the dancer as well as the rapper of the group. He is an Aquarius and his blood type is said to be A. In the terms of his physical condition, he weighs around 63 kg whereas his height is 180 cm. Renta was born in 2003 on the 16th of February in Japan’s Nagasaki.
The TO1 profile of this band member is that he is the main vocalist of the group. His full name is Song Dong Geon and was born in 1999 on the 15th of June. The zodiac sign of Donngeon is Cancer and his blood type is B. In terms of his physical appearance, his weight is 69 kg whereas his height is 180 cm. Along with this, this band member is also a former C9 Entertainment trainee.
The TO1 profile of this member is that he was born in 2005 on the 29th of January. His birth name is Jeon Yeoyeo Jeong and he is an Aquarius. His blood type is AB. In the band, he shoulders the responsibility of a vocalist, and also he is the maknae of the group. Yeojeong was born in South Korea’s Daejeon. In terms of his physical standards, he stands 182 cm tall and his weight is 63 kg.
The birth name of Jisu is Choji Ji Su and in the group, he is the vocalist as well as a lead dancer. Jisu was born on 19th January 2000 and he is a Capricorn. Jisu is from South Korea’s Busan. B is his blood type. Apart from this, height and weight are 178.4 cm and 64 kg respectively.
Chan’s birth name is Cho Chan Hyuk and in the band, he plays the role of a producer, rapper, and the main dancer. He was born on 8th December 1999 and he is a Sagittarius. Chan was born in South Korea’s Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do. His blood type of Chan is O. apart from this, his height is 180 cm and his weight is 65 kg. This band member is also a former SM Entertainment trainee.
J.You’s birth name is Kim Je You and in the band, he shoulders the responsibility of a rapper and a visual. He was born in 2000 on the 2nd of November. J. You were born in Changwon, Gyeongsangnam-do. His zodiac sign is Scorpio and his blood type is B. apart from this, his weight is 60 kg and his height tends to be around 174 cm.
The full name of this band member is Jang Kyung Ho and he is the vocalist as well as the main dancer of the group. His blood type is A and he was born on the 7th of May in 2001. Kyunggho majorly hails from Apgujeong-dong, Seoul of South Korea. In terms of his physical condition, his weight is somewhere around 70 kg and his height is said to be 183 cm.
The TO1 Kpop has managed to create great stardom. In the case of the band demographic, Chihoon bid farewell to the band on 30th April 2022. Following this, 2022 on 17th June, Minsu, Woonggi, and Jerome left the group. Later, Yeojeong, Rent, and Daigo joined the group Thus, this is all the information that was there to know about the band.
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