If your business requires website localization, you surely need to treat such a necessity seriously. This is a more complex process compared to the translation services you can request. This is why it is a great idea to dive into the topic and explore the details you need to be aware of first.
The assistance of this kind turns out to be necessary when there is such a request as expanding the business to another country or area. As soon as the world gets more globalized, this is quite a relevant request that characterizes business owners today.
Website localization is the process of adapting the site not just in connection with the language. Such a process refers to making the website comprehensible for users from a specific area. This means that they should be able to perceive the meaning of the platform and all options it covers from the perspective of their cultural background. It is evident that the team you will be working with should be experienced enough to be able to fulfill such a task.
What Aspects Should You Bear in Mind Before Requesting These Services?
It is impossible to order the services of this kind right away. You should think the process over before you get in touch with a certain team. This will help the company specialists to analyze your request better and provide you with more outstanding localization services as a result. Well, this is what you need to take into account:
● The age and nationalities of those who will be using your product or service as a result of localization (in other words, you should have a clear image of a target market in mind);
● The budget (you should be aware of how much you are ready to spend on localization services) and the price model you will be introducing when expanding to another market (this is actually something that also matters when getting ready for the localization of the site);
● Deadlines (decide how much time you and your team have before you expand to other countries markets);
● Tech (will you be able to support the localized website? Do you need to teach your employees in connection with the localized site?), etc.
Naturally, there are some other aspects you will need to analyze in connection with potential localization services. But they normally are announced within the consultation with the team members you are going to have before agreeing to work.
Market Research to Conduct Before Ordering Localization Services
This is something that will help to provide a better quality and efficiency of localization. Naturally, you are free to do this on your own but it is a more sensible idea to ask for the assistance of professionals in connection with this.
The matter is that the perfect localization of your website does not guarantee that you are going to come across impressive results when expanding to the market of other countries. It is vital to explore the real customers’ demand in connection to the product or service you intend to deliver in that country or area. Plus, there is usually a necessity to comply with the existing legislation in a certain area, so you shouldn’t forget about it as well.
The Process of Website Localization: Basic Steps to Be Aware of
Naturally, the sequence of steps can be a bit different depending on what company you are going to collaborate with. However, the essentials are typically quite similar. This is what the most common procedure of this kind is going to look like.
- Internationalization. This is a step that can’t be ignored if you want to reduce costs, eliminate potential risks, and get ready for the localization in a proper way.
- Actual localization.
- Testing of the results that were received after localization. This refers to opening the site on various devices, browsers, and so on.
- Search engine optimization.
So, if you see that the company deals with these steps, this is a good sign to rely on.
How to Find the Best Team for Requesting This Help?
There are a few aspects that must be taken into consideration by those who plan to order localization services. They are about to be covered below.
First of all, you need to pay attention to how long the particular team or company has been functioning in the market of similar services. Naturally, the more relevant the time period is, the better it is for you. Plus, it is a smart idea to read about the history of the company on its official website (the info of this kind should be presented there) and explore the reviews that are going to characterize the team.
Second, do not forget about such an important point as pricing. You probably have a specific budget that is tied to the potential localization of your website, and sure, you do not want to go beyond this figure. So, you need to figure out whether a team is ready to provide you with a quote. It is great when there is such an opportunity as long as you can compare the figures you are about to be offered with what you have in mind. And, if you do not agree with what was given to you or want to discuss it in a thorough manner, there should be an opportunity to request a consultation.
Third, have a look at the way the company describes the services they are ready to provide you with. The approximate process of localization should be given on the official site, and the more details you are able to see, the better it is.
Do not forget that it is absolutely okay to ask questions about potential localization services before you agree to work with a certain company of this kind. This will help you to draw specific conclusions about the team and make a final decision in connection with the primary request
Best of luck with requesting the most qualitative localization services!