Do you want to check your Body Surface Area? In Medical terms, Body surface area (BSA) is calculated to know the surface area required for the human body. To calculate the BSA (Body Surface Area), you need two inputs, your Weight and Height. In many terms, Doctors and scientists prefer Body Surface Area rather than Body weight to check the drug required for the human body.
Body Surface Area Calculation
Below is our Body Surface Area Calculator, which you can use to check your Body Surface Area (BSA). All you need is to enter your weight and height. Do calculate your BSA now!
Body Surface Area Calculation Formula
The Formula to calculate your Body surface area is BSA = (W 0.425 x H 0.725) x 0.007184. Where W is your weight in KG or LBS and H is your height in CM or inches. The above formula is also called Du Bois formula, which is more effective than Body Mass Index to check Fat in a patient’s body or say to check if the patient is obese or non-obese.
What is the Usage of Body Surface Area?
The Main usage of Body surface area is in Chemotherapy, cardiac index, Quetelet index and Glucocorticoid. BSA is expressed in m2. Since now you know the usages of the Body Surface Area, check the what are the average values for Male and Female for BSA Age-wise.
Body Surface Area Chart for Male And Female
Average Male BSA by Age
Age or age group | metric | imperial | ||
Neonate (newborn) | 0.243 | m2 | 2.612 | ft2 |
2 years | 0.563 | m2 | 6.06 | ft2 |
5 years | 0.787 | m2 | 8.471 | ft2 |
10 years | 1.236 | m2 | 13.304 | ft2 |
13 years | 1.603 | m2 | 17.255 | ft2 |
18 years | 1.98 | m2 | 21.313 | ft2 |
20–79 years | 2.06 | m2 | 22.173 | ft2 |
80+ years | 1.92 | m2 | 20.667 | ft2 |
Average female BSA by Age
Age or age group | metric | imperial | ||
Neonate (newborn) | 0.234 | m2 | 2.519 | ft2 |
2 years | 0.54 | m2 | 5.813 | ft2 |
5 years | 0.771 | m2 | 8.299 | ft2 |
10 years | 1.245 | m2 | 13.401 | ft2 |
13 years | 1.55 | m2 | 16.684 | ft2 |
18 years | 1.726 | m2 | 18.579 | ft2 |
20–79 years | 1.83 | m2 | 19.697 | ft2 |
80+ years | 1.638 | m2 | 17.631 | ft2 |
[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”How to calculate body surface area?” answer-0=”You can use our above mentioned body surface area (BSA) calculator to check your body surface area.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”Where to find body surface area chart?” answer-1=”We have mentioned body surface area chart for male and female in above tables, do check.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”What is burn body surface area?” answer-2=”Burn body surface area is nothing but the area which is not counted under Body surface area. For example, person’s palm area is counted under Burn body surface area. There is total 1% of your body part which is burn body surface area.” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]
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