Check your BMI (Body Mass Index) By Age, and use our Index Chart for Men/Women to determine if you are underweight or not.
What is Body Mass Index?
The Body Mass Index relates height to weight and helps to determine ideal body proportions. It is standard practice to check if you are healthy or not. The BMI uses your height and weight, two matrices, to check if you have enough weight as per your height or not.
BMI Calculator by Age
How to Use BMI Calculator?
To use Body Mass Index Calculator, you need to enter your Height (you can enter your height in CM (Centimeter) or Inches and Weight (you can enter your weight in KGs or LBS). After Entering your Height and Weight, you can Click on Calculate button and get your Body Mass Index Number in the below column.
What is the Formula of Body Mass Index?
The Formula for calculating Body mass index (BMI) is very simple. The Formula is BMI = W / H2. Where, W is Weight (In Kilogram) and H is your height (in meters). Since The Meter is not so friendly measurement, we use CM or Inch to measure height.
If you enter your weight in LBS then the formula goes like below.
BMI(kg/m2) = mass(lb) / height2(in) × 703.
Body Mass Index Chart for Men and Women
The BMI Chart is a way to check If you are Underweight if you have a Malnutrition risk, or if you are Obese or not. Below is Chart for Men and women, do calculate your BMI first and check with the below chart.
BMI Range (kg/m2) | Female | Male |
Underweight | < 19 | <20 |
Acceptable | 19 – 25 | 20 – 25 |
Overweight | 25 – 30 | 25 – 30 |
Obese | 30 – 40 | 30 – 40 |
Morbidly Obese | > 40 | > 40 |
So, now you know your BMI range and also know if you need to increase your weight or decrease or maintain it. Hope our BMI calculator helps you to stay healthy and fit.
[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”What is a Good Body Mass Index?” answer-0=”Anything above 19 for Female and 20 for male is good BMI.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”How much should i walk according to my bmi calculator?” answer-1=”The ideal target for weight loss is walking 5 miles a day. If you want to maintain your weight, you can reduce your walking kilometer.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”What is my body mass index?” answer-2=”You can use our Body Mass Index Calculator and later check the Body mass index chart to know your BMI.” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]