You will feel glad to know that Srinagar has ample colleges and reputed educational places. All the colleges are run by qualified teachers and faculties. It will be good to learn in these colleges. The college authorities also try to provide the best facilities to the students. Most colleges select or admit students based on their performance. However, in some colleges students are being selected through admission tests. You need to qualify for the test to get admission to the best colleges in Srinagar. The application forms are available in the respective websites of the colleges.
List of 5 Best Colleges in Srinagar
Here are some of the names of the best colleges in Srinagar. In this part, you will learn about the best colleges of Srinagar.
#1 Islamia college, Srinagar
One of the most reputed colleges in Srinagar is the Islamia college Srinagar. It was established in the year 1961 by the State Government. It is an autonomous body that provides both graduate and under-graduate courses to the students with full care.
#2 Womens college Srinagar
If you search for the best women colleges in Srinagar it will be best to go with womens college Srinagar. The college is located in an 8.5 acres land. The campus is so nice that you will love to study here. It also maintains a staff and teachers who are qualified in their respective fields. The college was founded in the year 1950.
#3 SP College Srinagar
SP college Srinagar is one of the oldest and premier colleges in Srinagar. It is a premier educational institution that provides quality education to the students. The faculties are well-trained and skilled. They have good depth in their respective subjects. The college offers various graduate and undergraduate courses to the students.
#4 Amar Singh College Srinagar
One of the most reputed and wonderful academic institution in Srinagar is Amar Singh College Srinagar. It is known for its excellent faculties and staffs. The college has all the modern facilities required for education. The entire college premises provide free wi fi facility to the students. You can try all sorts of undergraduate courses in this college. It is the second oldest college in Srinagar. The first oldest college is Sri Pratap College. It will be a matter of prestige to study in this college.
#5 Gandhi College Srinagar
If you look for co-educational college in Srinagar, you can try Gandhi College Srinagar. It has been creating students from a long time. The college always offers quality education and knowledge to the students. It has a team of highly qualified teachers who have ample knowledge in their specific subjects. The college has maintained its excellence for last 50 years. Students from all over the world come to study in this college.
So, you can come across ample colleges in Srinagar, but it is better to get admitted to the reputed ones. It will give you immense pleasure and prestige to study in these colleges. They are the best ones in the education industry.
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