The road transport ministry associated with the National Informatics Centre or NIC to offer people the SMS-based service so that all the right details about the owner of the vehicle can be obtained so that all the right details about the owner of the vehicle can be obtained. Now through VAHAN, all the vehicle registration check is possible.
The information mentioned in RC
Additional information contained along with the information of the vehicle owner are as follows:
Owner Name | Registration Date |
Registered Name | Chassis and the Engine number |
Fuel Type | Fitness or registration expiry Date |
Road Tax Details | Emission Norms Details |
Pollution Under control Certificate Expiry Date | Manufacture And Model Name |
Insurance Expiry Date | Status of the Registration Certificate |
Vehicle class of Type |
Car registration details
If you are planning to buy a car, either new or used, the car must undergo a registration process before the owner uses it in public. In the meantime, vehicle registration status should also be regularly checked. If there is a rash car driving, you can track the vehicle info and it can be filed in the police station along with its registration details. Thus, to get all the details of the vehicle regarding registration, follow the below steps:
- Visit VAHAN official website.
- Click on the ‘Know Your Vehicle Details’ that will appear at the top of the page.
- Type the registration number of the car on the opened page.
- Finish the human verification formality and tap on the ‘Search Vehicle’.
- A screen will appear where all the information related to the car registration will appear.
It is very important to search for car registration details and keep a check on the Vahan status of the vehicle as India is a very populated country. Thus, undoubtedly new and latest cars, as well as bikes, are bought every single day. This is the very reason why the registration process should be conducted on every car as then the individual will be able to carefully safeguard their possession.
Vehicle Owner Details by Number Plate
Obtaining the vehicle owner details by number plate is also possible through VAHAN and a tab on the VAHAN status can be wisely kept. Through this, all the details of the vehicle owner can be checked easily and in a hassle-free manner, and for this, all that is needed is the vehicle registration number of the car or bike. The following steps are to be followed to hunt for the vehicle details by number:
- Visit the website of VAHAN.
- Tap on the ‘Know your vehicle details on the top of the page.
- Either register as a new user or log in with the registered mobile number.
- After successfully logging on, enter the registration number of the vehicle on the following page.
- Enter down the verification code to prove that you are not a robot.
- Here, you finally will be able to find the details of the vehicle owner.
The details of the owner of the vehicle can be obtained through SMS as well and for this, the following steps are to be followed:
- Type VAHAN <Space> Vehicle Registration Number.
- Send the SMS to the number 7738299899.
Bike details by number plate
The bike details can be found by number plate and it can be done either through online mode or offline mode:
Online mode
Under online mode, bike details can be obtained by VAHAN and all the VAAHAN info can be collected. The below steps are to be followed here:
- Visit the official website of VAHAN.
- Tap on ‘Know your vehicle details on the menu bar.
- After being redirected to the new page, give the bike registration details.
- Enter down the verification code.
- Tap on the search vehicle.
Offline mode
In offline mode, the details can be obtained through SMS mode:
- Type ‘VAHAN’ with space and enter down the registration number of the bike.
- Send the message to 773829989 and you will receive the owner’s details.
Thus, apart from RC status check online, getting access to the information of the vehicle is easy through the help of VAHAN. Meantime, while obtaining the registration details of the vehicle, it has to be made sure that all the relevant documents related to the vehicle are valid and existing and while doing so, give prior importance to the motor insurance plan.