Lokmat ePaper is available to download for free in PDF format. If you are Marathi and looking for reading the best Marathi daily newspaper than Lokmat is the one. Check out our guide how to read lokmat newspaper online and how to download lokmat in pdf format.
If you are preparing for IAS exams, or SSC Exams or for MPSC exams, you must read lokmat newspaper to keep updated yourself about latest developments around Maharashtra, India and around the world.
लोकमत कोणी वाचले? ज्या विद्यार्थ्यांना बँक परीक्षा किंवा इतर कोणत्याही स्पर्धा परीक्षेसाठी जायचे आहे ते लोकमत वाचू शकतात. तसेच, जे लोक महाराष्ट्राबाहेर राहतात आणि त्यांना लोकमतमध्ये प्रवेश नाही, ते लोकमत ऑनलाइन वाचू शकतात.
How to Download Lokmat ePaper Online?
To download the pdf version of the lokmat ePaper, you need to follow the below mentioned steps. Do check out.
- First, Open your phone or desktop browser.
- In your browser’s address bar, enter epaper.lokmat.com website.
- As you can see now your phone/laptop has lokmat’s ePaper website must be opened.
- Here you need to select date and editions of lokmat paper to download.
- Select the edition and date and wait for 5 second something.
- Your PDF file of Lokmat will be available on screen as well as on your phone/laptop as well.
Now you know how to download the Lokmat ePaper online in PDF version. Daily at 7’o clock you can follow above-mentioned steps to download the lokmat newspaper. After downloading the pdf version of the Lokmat ePaper, you can convert it into other compatible editable document formats by using itsPDF online web-based solution for certain concerns.
About Lokmat Newspaper – e Lokmat
Here we are providing some of the information related to Lokmat newspaper like since when it was founded and how many circulations etc.
Format | Broadsheet |
Type | Daily Newspaper |
Language | Marathi, Hindi and English |
Founded By | Jawaharlal Darda |
Editor in Chief | Vijay J. Darda |
Headquarter of Lokmat | Mumbai (Worli) |
Country circulation | India only |
Founded Date | 15th December, 1971 |
Owner | Lokmat Media Limited |
Total Circulation | 2 crore daily |
Website | www.lokmat.com |
Download Lokmat ePaper in PDF – Lokmat Newspaper Download
Newspaper name | Lokmat Marathi |
ePaper format | PDF only |
Printed Language | Marathi, English and Hindi |
Marathi epaper Link | http://epaper.lokmat.com/ |
English Epaper link | http://epaper.lokmat.com/lokmattimes/ |
Hindi Epaper link | http://epaper.lokmat.com/lokmatsamachar/ |
FAQs Related to Lokmat Newspaper – लोकमत पेपर
How to Get Lokmat daily?
You can follow the above mentioned steps to download ePaper lokmat daily.
When can I get Lokmat paper daily?
You can download the ePaper lokmat in PDF Format from the above mentioned links at morning 7AM daily. Yes, you can open those links daily 7 to download lokmat newspaper in English, Hindi and Marathi.
Can I get Ad free version of Lokmat ePaper?
The Ads are attached by lokmat itself. So, we cannot remove it. Also, please respect the publisher and writers content.
Where can I read aurangabad, nagpur, nashik, solapur, goa, Kolhapur edition of lokmat?
Lokmat Aurangabad, Lokmat Nagpur, Lokmat Nashik, Lokmat Solapur, Lokmat Goa, Lokmat Mumbai and other editions are available on the above mentioned ePaper website of lokmat.
From where can i download lokmat newspaper daily?
You can visit our website https://www.sdasrinagar.info/ to read and download lokmat pdf paper daily.
Why Lokmat Newspaper is best Marathi newspaper?
It is highest selling and have highest reader base in india. Mostly circulated in Goa and Maharashtra state of india. Also, Lokmat give voice to poor and lower class people very bravely.
Is reading lokmat epaper is free?
Yes, you can read all edition of lokmat for free.
Is E lokmat and ePaper lokmat are different?
No, they are not different, they are same. You can read both ePaper online.
How many cities from Lokmat published?
Lokmat is published from 12 cities as of now. You can read Lokmat Mumbai, Lokmat Pune, Lokmat Aurangabad, Lokmat New Delhi, Lokmat Nagpur, Lokmat Kolhapur, Lokmat Nashik, Lokmat Jalgaon, Lokmat Akola, Lokmat Goa, Lokmat Ahmednagar, and Lokmat Solapur.
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