Let’s Find out What is your Zodiac Sign if you are born in January Month’s Any date. As per Astrology, There is a total of 12 Zodiac Signs, and 12 signs are distributed between 12 months. So, People who were born in January Month will have a specific zodiac sign. We are here to specify the zodiac signs for the people who were born in January month’s any date.
What is the January Zodiac Sign?
We used our Zodiac Sign Calculator to find out ‘what is January zodiac sign‘ is. So, below is the Answer for January Born people.
- If you are born between the 1st of January to the 19th of January Month, Your Zodiac Sign is Capricorn.
- And If your Birthday Falls Between the 20th of January to 31st of January Month, Your Zodiac Sign is Aquarius.
Half of the Capricorn sign falls in December Month, as Capricorn Sign Dates are December 22 to January 19. While half of the Aquarius sign falls in February Month as Aquarius Sign Dates are January 20 to February 18. So, Now you know Your Sun sign or say Zodiac Sign by your date of birth.
Personality Traits of January Zodiac Sign Born
People who are born in January Month (Capricorn and Aquarius Zodiac signs) are Responsible, disciplined, Progressive and Original, Always!
Also, January Born (Capricorn and Aquarius Zodiac signs) is considered to be Unforgiving, condescending, temperamental and very uncompromising.
The Lucky numbers for Capricorn signs are 4, 8, 13, and 22 and Lucky Numbers For Aquarius signs are 4, 7, 11, 22, and 29. And the Lucky Color for Capricorn is Brown and Black, While The lucky Color for Aquarius is Light-Blue and Silver.
You can read more about Lucky – Unlucky of Capricorn and Luck – Unlucky of Aquarius here.
[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”What is the zodiac sign for January 14?” answer-0=”If You are born on January 14th, Your Zodiac sign is Capricorn.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”What zodiac sign is January 27th?” answer-1=”If You are born on January 27th, Your Zodiac sign is Aquarius.” image-1=”” count=”2″ html=”true” css_class=””]
Also Read:-
- Capricorn Horoscope Today
- Aquarius Horoscope Today
- Capricorn Love Horoscope Today
- Aquarius Love Horoscope Today
- Capricorn Tomorrow Horoscope
- Aquarius Tomorrow Horoscope
(To know more about Aquarius Sign dates, and Capricorn Sign Dates, Keep visiting SDASrinagar.com)